rookie wrote on 2025/03/26 00:54:51:
love your site it brings me joy
Feel free to write down a comment.
rookie wrote on 2025/03/26 00:54:51:
love your site it brings me joy
aldipower wrote on 2025/03/21 20:07:33:
Geile Seite! Besser als Sex.
branc116 wrote on 2025/03/21 08:23:34:
Hellou! How are you? Nice page!
aryas wrote on 2025/03/12 19:55:53:
hai ^_^ love the 88x31 archive
kim wrote on 2025/03/12 11:31:57:
hi, grabbed some buttons from you. much appreciated!
Rocky wrote on 2025/03/06 18:10:40:
i love gifs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not Vladimir Not Vist wrote on 2025/03/06 06:24:55:
You might also want to add these to your list of X11 programs: DDD, XEphem
Vladimir Vist wrote on 2025/03/06 06:11:51:
Your website is beautiful. But I found a terrible example on PHP! Why are you reinventing your template in the spirit of FizzBuzzEnterprise? PHP is already a good template engine: <?=$value?> <?=1+2?> <? if (true): ?> <? endif; ?>
Kowalski wrote on 2025/03/05 04:14:18:
Alex Heinz wrote on 2025/02/26 22:17:00:
I really enjoy the gifs page!
sneet_snart wrote on 2025/02/23 04:44:04:
hey u guys suprised pepl r still using this site! makes me happy cus I <3 blinkies
Zimblo wrote on 2025/02/21 02:07:54:
Hegel jumpscared me!!
june wrote on 2025/02/19 15:31:16:
this is a very cool site i hope to host my own one day!
Zelse wrote on 2025/02/18 08:10:32:
A fantastic and eclectic place that is also a paean to a bygone era - and he's got good politics. No notes. Fantastic.
Dukem wrote on 2025/02/16 23:53:46:
this is cool
haher wrote on 2025/02/14 09:00:57:
rob8_ wrote on 2025/02/09 20:27:55:
Great website
android wrote on 2025/02/09 08:46:18:
hiii im from!
wakkowarner1994 wrote on 2025/01/23 09:37:07:
amazing web site...!!! rlly happy to see tday ... =D
emmy wrote on 2025/01/23 08:53:24:
yay! static webpages...,,,
antihack3r wrote on 2025/01/13 07:54:00:
does this thing work?
easfrq wrote on 2025/01/12 06:24:03:
Hello, I'm easfrq!
ionian wrote on 2025/01/09 02:20:18:
love this website
mariomaker69420 wrote on 2025/01/06 03:57:49:
really good site. i like it a lot
tbhtyson wrote on 2025/01/05 19:08:05:
nice website! i like the gifs at /88x31/
kelpie wrote on 2025/01/05 00:08:45:
awesome sauce
Modularity wrote on 2024/12/28 08:20:21:
Thanks for the 88x31's! :3 10/10 would visit again
wolfkitty42 wrote on 2024/12/19 01:54:58:
I am not human,... and I do not know about philosophers... I am just a traveling dog on the internet, and I hope u r having a wonderful time whevere u r! :3
RalfWausE wrote on 2024/12/17 11:46:37:
Nice Homepage, the Web lives!
Radioactive Lead Poisoning wrote on 2024/12/15 01:25:20:
Sick website dude
vgorl wrote on 2024/12/11 04:49:05:
siiiick web!
October wrote on 2024/12/10 18:05:05:
I miss you
Dumems wrote on 2024/12/08 18:16:22:
undefined0 wrote on 2024/11/30 19:59:01:
how the hell did i wind up here dont regret it though
Wannes wrote on 2024/11/28 19:41:24:
I am cool!
Zekken wrote on 2024/11/26 04:02:53:
I was here.
saloniamatteo wrote on 2024/11/25 19:28:25:
Hello! Bv)
TawayVT wrote on 2024/11/20 19:22:08:
balls (i have no idea what to write but eyy i was here :3)
Nicolas wrote on 2024/11/15 18:13:51:
Cool Website! It also has HTTP support :D
pigz wrote on 2024/11/04 22:21:45:
bridgie wrote on 2024/10/29 16:12:24:
nice website :3 wrote on 2024/10/24 18:32:21:
Yay, amazing site! I love the 88x31 museum <3
webpage wrote on 2024/10/22 18:56:40:
this sign is best viwed in 88by31
Melody wrote on 2024/10/22 09:40:54:
Love 88x31 badges ;p
Count_Cirno wrote on 2024/10/20 12:43:04:
Uh, idk what I should add. I guess, Hello world. :]
nora_ wrote on 2024/09/27 20:07:16:
website like yours are the reason i refuse to give up on the web, and they make me appreciate it even more, i truly miss the early 2000 Internet man ...
MARK wrote on 2024/09/25 22:13:46:
hell fukin ya
Sr.G wrote on 2024/09/10 17:17:43:
amazing cyber site
mars wrote on 2024/09/09 09:40:21:
idk how i got here but i've been down this rabbithole of geocities revival and archiving for two hours and this is fueling it. incredible
Andrei Stan wrote on 2024/09/08 02:51:24:
This is amazing!
Ajderniz wrote on 2024/08/29 00:30:07:
i don't read philosophy sorry
SwitchFlip wrote on 2024/08/25 09:06:18:
wow stole your gifs thanks
Dljs wrote on 2024/08/22 10:11:13:
very good web site. I give 5 stars
kevinsmuggles wrote on 2024/08/19 11:20:32:
holymoly this is where I wanna be ---> superfly
Your fat angry stepdad wrote on 2024/08/02 16:55:39:
Didn't Sartre beat his wife
martcraft wrote on 2024/08/02 15:59:54:
Thank you for the lovely link page!
adurant186 wrote on 2024/07/29 15:57:53:
Bruh this is great. tryna learn fortran for comp chem and astrophys and I got here.
tufo wrote on 2024/07/11 15:47:30:
seems like a pretty good website
anon1 wrote on 2024/07/08 21:03:42:
great website. def 10/10
NobodyYouCareAbout wrote on 2024/07/08 00:35:07:
damn, much better than my neocities...
rüley wrote on 2024/07/03 20:18:49:
this website is amazing!!!!! I love it; this is how all websites should be!
catroidvania wrote on 2024/06/28 19:10:56:
neat website! its cool to see people keeping fortran alive in this day and age
snurt wrote on 2024/06/24 20:30:58:
your image + graphics collection is awesome. :} thanks for making this available.
anon wrote on 2024/06/14 06:55:45:
cool website
jester wrote on 2024/06/12 02:00:07:
this is fuckingawesome
Albert Chessa wrote on 2024/05/23 02:48:32:
I love this site
Chris Glass wrote on 2024/05/19 20:00:14:
Thanks for putting good things out into the virtual world!
Wiz wrote on 2024/05/16 02:55:48:
What a great site, good work!
ukh wrote on 2024/05/11 20:10:34:
Awesome site, especially the Modern Fortran pages! Hälsningar från Sverige.
kasparyan wrote on 2024/05/10 14:46:28:
cool site!! greetings from kazakhstan.
Masha wrote on 2024/05/09 11:53:55:
greetings from Italy
ergo wrote on 2024/05/08 04:40:48:
just found a cool time machine
zac wrote on 2024/05/06 18:31:46:
i love the internet
Adam wrote on 2024/05/02 09:04:12:
Awesome website man, I really like and miss this era of Internet. Back when you didn't have to worry about SEO or responsive mobile design :)
mossy wrote on 2024/05/02 06:24:53:
this is so swag :0 I stumbled across it while looking for the source of someone's firefox button on their spacehey page. def bookmarking this place
charliedarwin wrote on 2024/05/01 05:32:27:
(I have no idea who these philosophers are so I hope this works) Thank you for the excellent bevy of buttons!! Although there's some that look really cool but IDK if they're made for peoples' personal sites or not so IDK if I can use them :|
mms wrote on 2024/04/28 18:52:03:
Great and inspiring site! Long live web 1
blooky wrote on 2024/04/27 13:56:16:
tysm for this website <3 <3 <3 wonderful place
zephz wrote on 2024/04/23 21:23:54:
hiya :3 c00l website!!
yozl wrote on 2024/04/22 19:22:37:
Cool website
ISRAEL wrote on 2024/04/22 09:15:24:
tunakat wrote on 2024/04/22 06:56:28:
woohoo ^^ old style web pages are rad yo, found this cuz of the X11 obscure page
Nichꜵ wrote on 2024/04/21 09:22:22:
I think i got teleported back to the 1990s . . . i kinda like it :3
penis wrote on 2024/04/17 06:07:19:
A.I. Memecian wrote on 2024/04/15 19:29:47:
The last bastion of static goodness. Love you!
hazel wrote on 2024/04/15 14:53:11:
thank you for the badges!! <3
samm wrote on 2024/04/06 04:07:37:
so coool wowowow
the0 wrote on 2024/03/17 08:43:40:
thank you for the awesome buttons and image collections
qzip wrote on 2024/03/10 19:59:17:
pee heitch pee
qzip wrote on 2024/03/10 17:53:10:
pee heitch pee
Kitsune5552 wrote on 2024/03/10 16:26:20:
just dropping by from elsewhere
stdpi wrote on 2024/03/06 18:06:37:
88x31 library really awesome, and i also mirrored it aswell!
Alex wrote on 2024/03/01 20:21:38:
Great site, and thanks for the buttons.
princessmortix wrote on 2024/02/05 17:09:01:
loved all the 88x61 badges (mortix was here)
ESR wrote on 2024/02/02 16:48:37:
This webbed site seems awesome.
Mr Grin wrote on 2024/01/29 22:26:25:
Lovely X11 applications! Thank you
AdelFetner wrote on 2024/01/29 02:45:32:
i was here lol good job w the mirrors
Phat wrote on 2024/01/23 15:22:43:
Really cool website, sad I get criticized about my fav philosopher
corva wrote on 2024/01/16 04:49:29:
who is supposed to be my favorite philosopher (╥_╥)
alexey wrote on 2024/01/10 12:38:09:
this web site is very cool
Callie wrote on 2024/01/06 18:16:03:
this website is fuckin awesome my guy
andrewidot wrote on 2024/01/06 09:30:12:
i was here lol
noelle wrote on 2024/01/06 05:46:39:
whenever i'm looking for a button i check your 88x31 collection first! great work!
anonymous wrote on 2023/12/29 20:21:24:
<script>console.log("xss be like")</script>
Godmother Sonder wrote on 2023/12/28 00:55:47:
Thanks for keeping our web alive. You are just one part a very special whole. Thank you.
R74n wrote on 2023/12/26 00:41:40:
love the 88x31 collection!
shotaro wrote on 2023/12/24 18:42:59:
nice ass site
layla wrote on 2023/12/23 08:15:26:
luv your site!!!
andy wrote on 2023/12/21 10:59:50:
I found this page from a website called Wiby and clicking the "surprise me" tab. neat website
eli wrote on 2023/12/19 00:29:24:
i like this website
felix lord wrote on 2023/12/16 12:35:32:
i use anthony's www images very often thanks so much. fam
ashley wrote on 2023/12/14 01:17:06:
thx again <3
ashley wrote on 2023/12/12 15:24:30:
thx for the 88x31s <3
lew wrote on 2023/12/08 19:47:03:
im here for the badges
Fangirl wrote on 2023/10/15 12:33:43:
☭ will win
rs_turquoise wrote on 2023/09/29 15:16:03:
Love the website! The X11 Apps post have shown me alot of cool programs :)
manasiwibi wrote on 2023/09/28 13:28:01:
thanks for the 88x31 collection
frog wrote on 2023/09/25 16:28:09:
pls help i am too small to reach the buttons on the top of the webpage ><
kreat wrote on 2023/09/23 04:36:55:
love this site
Tanner wrote on 2023/09/19 21:09:48:
Lovely site and a great place to get some 88x31 format gifs
juanjotez wrote on 2023/09/18 16:18:19:
Thank you for what yo do for the internet, big fan of the 88x31 badges, you are a real one homie
voxelbugged wrote on 2023/09/17 15:48:55:
Awesome website! Many moving images! This makes me excited for what the Web will look like in the 21st century! If we survive Y2K, that is.
Emerald Fox wrote on 2023/09/11 09:56:43:
Found your site when I felt like consuming 88x31 gifs, also since I see others sharing their site, here's mine which is wip:
swagger249 wrote on 2023/09/04 06:39:45:
love your badges, thanks for the site! #moneyteam #yoloswag
Zach wrote on 2023/08/27 22:52:16:
Love your site, thanks for the badges! Used on
Lian wrote on 2023/08/06 13:48:20:
I just stumbled on your List of Cool Xorg Programs when I looked up Xeyes and Xedit and... I'm in love! As someone who populates their entire computer mostly with default X apps without GTK/Qt, I am blown away by the sheer number of cool Xlib/Motif apps there. Thank you so much!
later-man wrote on 2023/08/02 18:58:05:
visit my site peace and blessings
Ichi wrote on 2023/07/14 16:36:04:
Very nice articles. Love from China! No ideas about those philosophers though so I randomly picked one!
Dan wrote on 2023/07/13 21:19:57:
Also here from HackerNews. Also I have no idea who any of these philosophers are, so I am just going to click the one that looks like he would enjoy a beer and wath Football
scompo wrote on 2023/07/13 16:23:30:
Hi man, came from hacker news for the weird x programs. Pretty cool site!
kermit wrote on 2023/07/09 15:56:49:
thank you for all the resources and 88x31s!
6666666666666666666666666 wrote on 2023/07/06 05:20:18:
Gracias por existir.
jun wrote on 2023/06/22 01:31:04:
very informational and many good reads
indibeningii wrote on 2023/06/16 20:38:47:
i really like ur 88x31 site, the rest of this is super cool and vintage-y. spam test is silly too. 10/10
aaron wrote on 2023/06/16 03:30:05:
very cool site (spam test is wild though)
zoomzoomblood wrote on 2023/06/11 10:27:17:
very cool vintage site (but how do i supposed to know who are these philosopher in spam test)T_T
irid wrote on 2023/05/24 02:52:03:
heck ya :) i especially love the 88x31 collection hehe. lowkey majestic
Qi Zhang wrote on 2023/05/11 19:05:20:
Keep up the good work for the fortran-unix!
s1erra wrote on 2023/05/09 03:07:20:
cool archive :3333
matcha~ wrote on 2023/05/09 03:07:04:
meow meow meow
s1erra wrote on 2023/05/09 03:07:01:
cool archive :3333
matcha~ wrote on 2023/05/09 03:07:01:
meow meow meow
matcha~ wrote on 2023/05/09 03:06:52:
meow meow meow
SILLY KITTIES :3 wrote on 2023/05/06 21:39:57:
HAIIII :3333
dds wrote on 2023/05/02 22:33:56:
mario wrote on 2023/05/02 03:30:01:
ita me da bes pluma
rat wrote on 2023/04/30 22:14:14:
Thanks for the stuff :3
Sic transit gloria mundi wrote on 2023/04/22 00:41:58:
Greetings, downloaded a few banner buttons for my university site created in the olden style, might need to bookmark this site for more stuff to sift through :-)
Good Site wrote on 2023/04/21 00:53:45:
Awesome Place on the Internet Ever
brew wrote on 2023/04/15 18:58:10:
life in late stage capitalism hits where it hurts :(
lew wrote on 2023/04/14 20:58:14:
the 88x31 stuff makes my brain feel fuzzy :3
Midna wrote on 2023/04/09 14:30:16:
Yo thanks for the 88x31 stuff, it's great lol
aaa wrote on 2023/04/08 05:19:25:
<script>alert("you got hacked lol")</script>
Aerie wrote on 2023/04/05 05:32:02:
lovely site!
Francisco Rodríguez wrote on 2023/04/01 17:46:11:
Hello! Thanks for the Fortran resources
Moon Moth wrote on 2023/03/25 17:23:59:
Nice site!
ern wrote on 2023/03/23 14:13:59:
Love your website
klungus wrote on 2023/03/16 05:56:14:
Cheers from the wrong side of hell
Jason wrote on 2023/03/15 15:24:52:
mleeeehhhhh :P
Serbian-man wrote on 2023/03/14 11:09:05:
Great, absolutely great little web site, packet with good stuff!
pjals wrote on 2023/03/11 12:55:31:
Nice website you got there, maybe a bit bloated on the layout and styling! Have you considered freeing (as in LibreJS) the JS you use for the time?
LoveLetter wrote on 2023/03/10 00:47:34:
i downloaded like 100 88x31 gifs until the dopamine ran out. thanks!
Neo wrote on 2023/03/09 07:22:41:
*Dodges Bullets*
jamz wrote on 2023/03/09 02:37:44:
loving this site, thank you for this
Name wrote on 2023/02/25 01:10:40:
This site is sick!
Hex wrote on 2023/02/10 19:11:43:
This is the real deal. Love to see this energy again.
sas wrote on 2023/02/10 12:13:47:
gotta try this site with my win95 pc
WD-40 Fans wrote on 2023/02/09 04:47:55:
Cheers from the WD-40 Fans!
Federico Slongo wrote on 2023/02/03 13:56:48:
Very cool and base ngl
slime wrote on 2023/01/29 05:34:38:
this guy are sick
krubs wrote on 2023/01/28 03:25:15:
this website is swagadelic
krubs wrote on 2023/01/28 01:16:59:
this website is swagadelic
krubs wrote on 2023/01/28 01:11:15:
this website is swagadelic
anon938520 wrote on 2023/01/26 16:39:29:
Love the site and I do appreciate all the effort it had to take for that impressive gif collection. Keep it up~!
demmy wrote on 2023/01/25 20:32:36:
this shit crazy hype dawg (❁´◡`❁)
himbo wrote on 2023/01/24 22:43:51:
fuckin love this site man, hi from Wales
someone wrote on 2023/01/24 11:14:01:
greetings from Estonia! it's nice to see that the spirit of old web is still alive
dungus wrote on 2023/01/24 04:34:29:
rafaquatro wrote on 2023/01/24 04:08:36:
big supporter of websites here
J.Rams wrote on 2023/01/23 21:55:26:
John Lennon?
Alice Rosas wrote on 2023/01/23 15:27:43:
Aren't we all just mouthy gremlins, looking for a good time?
Reuven wrote on 2023/01/23 02:59:20:
This is too much!
as43z wrote on 2023/01/22 22:39:10:
Absolute masterpiece of internet place!
gigglzy wrote on 2023/01/22 15:52:08:
cool site! me likey
Simulacra wrote on 2023/01/22 07:44:34:
This is a website ever
YES wrote on 2023/01/21 01:52:59:
Love that this exists, great stuff
Lyubo wrote on 2022/12/29 08:24:22:
Great place! Keep on www-ing!
greynt wrote on 2022/12/28 23:27:59:
your 88x31 gif collection was invaluable, thank you so much : )
churisotophu wrote on 2022/12/27 20:44:22:
beste gif-quelle wo gibt
Gianmarco wrote on 2022/12/25 21:35:23:
I hope you won't mind if I stole a bunch of 88x31 pins. Cheers.
idk wrote on 2022/12/02 22:46:03:
internet exploder cannot display this webpage
Svenja wrote on 2022/12/01 20:45:08:
Ich bin dein Fangirl
jj the jj wrote on 2022/11/29 23:14:06:
your gifs and website are powering the new old web!! thanks and rock on :3
jan Tawi Tasumi wrote on 2022/11/27 10:20:49:
Beautiful website,best 2 hours I've killed in a long while o7
cdh8u wrote on 2022/11/24 12:54:39:
the powered by bob gif is exactly what i wanted
himbo wrote on 2022/11/16 04:12:06:
ur tellign me a queer coded this????
pjals (Daniel) wrote on 2022/11/15 15:22:58:
Found this website while making a 88x31 button, looks nice! :D @
DannyD wrote on 2022/10/28 22:25:53:
Ich war hier
Zagura wrote on 2022/10/21 20:59:42:
Found this from a badge in somebodies personal site, love the badge thingies
Fujiro wrote on 2022/10/19 17:38:32:
Boggerians love your website :)
A human wrote on 2022/10/15 20:12:30:
this site is old
Luis Guilherme Coelho Bueno wrote on 2022/10/13 00:23:49:
I really enjoyed the obscure X11 tools, actually, have to include I am pretty much happy with the FreeBSD on X230 post too. It will be useful :). Thanks
COnfuzled wrote on 2022/10/02 20:37:20:
nice site Dont know what philosopher is which tho :p
Margot Honecker wrote on 2022/10/02 04:12:24:
Ich grüße dich, mein genosse. Du hast der bestes website in die DDR
BBB wrote on 2022/09/23 01:15:15:
Very cool 90s webmaster unix guy aesthetic i love it
je oma poepchinees wrote on 2022/09/20 19:29:16:
sub 2 globale triestheid
BENIS =D wrote on 2022/09/19 13:24:49:
Your site is amazing :DDDDDD benis!!111!!11!!111
#⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝ wrote on 2022/08/31 03:44:32:
This is AWesome
SArpnt wrote on 2022/08/23 21:56:10:
verified cool buttons
tototrovit wrote on 2022/08/22 00:55:48:
heloooooo hellloooooooooooooo
melvyn2 wrote on 2022/08/12 16:14:00:
This is what all websites should aspire to be
Muhammad Ramzy wrote on 2022/07/17 04:24:08:
Hi Philipp, Tremendously great website with updated information nonetheless! I appreciate your effort in building it!
dartajan wrote on 2022/07/16 13:58:05:
this is a really nice site. love hanging round here, always wait for updates on my rss feed! keep up the gooooood stuff
Iain wrote on 2022/07/04 13:54:26:
Great stuff! WFIF xchomp source can br found at
xmoo wrote on 2022/07/01 08:43:47:
I came through a blog post about old web pins and I found your site there, and I gotta say, amazing site.
& wrote on 2022/06/29 15:21:04:
I enjoyed the website and really want to collect all those old web buttons. Please don't blackhole me if you see me botting all 4 pages.
G. Castro wrote on 2022/06/21 20:03:26:
I don't know how I ended up here, but hello!
Nicolas Sequeira wrote on 2022/06/17 05:10:06:
I thought the last message was posted on the sixth of November of this year, which is impossible because it's only the sixteenth of June, but then I realized that your website is European. Anyway, amazing website. People should be envious of a website this good.
tsumugi aoba wrote on 2022/06/11 23:01:43:
tsumugi aoba approves of this website
Jason Blascov wrote on 2022/06/09 21:27:06:
Hey hey o7, leaving a message for someone named Bitcrusher, if you see this, call me alright?
jornmann wrote on 2022/06/09 16:31:05:
leaving my mark on this corner of the web :) ceptor36, you can use php
ceptor36 wrote on 2022/06/06 23:36:51:
I wonder how I can make my own guestbook...
Antonio wrote on 2022/06/05 09:55:58:
I am a former Fortran IV and 66 programmer. I am in my sixties :-) :-) Thank you very much for the very interesting information about modern Fortran. I look forward to future updates. Best regards. Antonio F.S.
mincerafter42 wrote on 2022/05/26 14:54:45:
yo is that *Swatchbeat Internet Time* on the index page?
Box Supremacy wrote on 2022/05/21 02:03:38:
Such a nostalgic site. Reminds me of old times when I was a young kid, browsing in the early 00s. Thanks!
shizuka wrote on 2022/05/19 20:45:08:
trans rights =OwO=
ana wrote on 2022/05/17 11:16:58:
thank you for your work
Duke Ironfart wrote on 2022/05/12 05:46:04:
dude i really need the source code to this guestbook
JUST wrote on 2022/05/09 23:37:09:
I don't remember how i ended here but i love it.
Aeeaewsedrft wrote on 2022/05/05 16:33:46:
IronGeek wrote on 2022/05/04 01:50:11:
It has been a while since I visited. Still one of my favorite sites to surf around.
Presea wrote on 2022/05/02 22:29:37:
ohai thar, refreshing to see a modern site that works great on my pentium 2 dell latitude.
wren wrote on 2022/05/01 05:19:55:
what a refreshing take on web design in the current day. love it!
arisu wrote on 2022/04/30 03:29:13:
Great website! The animated GIF at the top of the Facebook page gave me a laugh attack :-)
Ken Dy wrote on 2022/04/28 15:33:50:
testing testicles one two three
airdoggy wrote on 2022/04/25 00:42:12:
great 88x31 collection!!
Sven wrote on 2022/04/17 19:52:34:
Love the 88x31 collection, I am currently scraping the GeoCities archives to find all web badges that were online back then to create a gallery similar to yours and probably integrating your collection into it as well! What does your guestbook run on? I would love to make my own
sanic wrote on 2022/04/03 15:44:39:
this site is so cool
tuna wrote on 2022/04/02 04:07:11:
i got here by clicking random things. i like baseball. cool website!
deckard wrote on 2022/03/28 11:35:21:
beautiful site! thanks for keeping this aesthetic alive
valer wrote on 2022/03/09 16:20:15:
hack the planet
Isaac wrote on 2022/03/09 05:12:50:
The button collection is awesome!!! I'm enjoying reading through this website and I hope you keep it up :)
wheel wrote on 2022/03/08 17:39:46:
philosophize this, asshole _____ | || |\___/| | | | | | | | | | | | | ____||____|____ / | | \ / | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | / \ / \ / | | | |
max wrote on 2022/03/04 16:14:14:
i exsist.
Fairyfly wrote on 2022/02/21 11:23:37:
Hi! I love your work! You are doing a very good thing. I hope you are happy, safe, and taking care of yourself. Love, Fairyfly Dev (St. Agatha City)
xXxruthiecutiexXx wrote on 2022/02/09 21:19:33:
your website is gorgeous! keep up the good work
Joshua wrote on 2022/02/06 00:06:33:
Loved the 88x31 Button Collection!
shiorid wrote on 2021/12/31 03:44:14:
gorgeous page mahdud
Luka Marinko wrote on 2021/12/25 11:29:56:
Came to your site via HN, awesome old school :)
dotexe wrote on 2021/12/24 05:37:07:
Awesome site! :)
Walnut Bob wrote on 2021/12/16 05:14:54:
Very, very good.
Juragaro wrote on 2021/11/29 20:22:07:
It such an honor... go fortran, go!
Matteo wrote on 2021/11/17 11:46:13:
Love the 90s site! Keep up the good reads and 88x31 pin buttons! ;)
Thomas wrote on 2021/11/11 08:14:47:
Keep up the great work!
dook wrote on 2021/10/19 01:46:50:
Thanks for the "hyper link" to on your "web log". Very cool website! Works great in netscape!
Maximilian wrote on 2021/10/10 15:40:55:
Dunno why I'm here, but the link of the "FREE SEX" gif got me here.
emmatebibyte wrote on 2021/10/05 01:24:42:
wonderful site! <3
naomi wrote on 2021/09/03 04:54:02:
lovely 88x31 button colletion, i'm expropriating some, really cool site
sexlegend69 wrote on 2021/08/25 03:40:22:
Thanks for archiving some of the old websites. They're really useful
linuxchad wrote on 2021/08/18 06:54:20:
Very cool site dude. Found it thanks to Luke Smith's article on old style buttons!
Vagozino wrote on 2021/08/15 19:27:41:
Super cool site!
conor wrote on 2021/08/15 18:39:04:
hey there mister
jacencockayne wrote on 2021/08/14 17:24:58:
I love the button collection, luke smith sent me. Browsing from my T420
Yedly wrote on 2021/08/09 23:04:16:
Browsing from my PowerBook G4 1.67GHz
cristian wrote on 2021/08/02 12:45:02:
your button collection is huge! great website
danica wrote on 2021/07/21 14:16:38:
ayo this website is so cool! tell me how you did it some time :Dalso i have no idea who these guys are but im in love with the captcha ;)
angel wrote on 2021/07/17 01:32:17:
hey, this is pretty cool.
Mocoseco wrote on 2021/06/16 15:46:23:
I can't find the hidden stuff! wrote on 2021/06/16 05:11:16:
I love this captcha... I just want to post to see what the next one is.
T Face wrote on 2021/06/15 20:34:10:
Your "Life in Late Stage Capitalism" is the best thing online. Thank you. I want more websites like yours
uiui wrote on 2021/06/15 20:05:58:
Who is a philosopher?
Faux wrote on 2021/06/15 16:50:30:
Wow, this takes me back to when I first got online. Well done!
ocean wizard wrote on 2021/06/15 02:09:03:
ur site is cool af
woffy wrote on 2021/05/31 15:29:19:
this site has a wonderful atmosphere
phat_sumo wrote on 2021/04/27 02:22:29:
nice place, glad i found it!
Rory Smithee wrote on 2021/04/24 04:09:14:
Nice place. Wish more sites had the balls to be as simple as this one.
HexOctal wrote on 2021/04/23 21:41:59:
This is the kind of places I like to see on the internet!
Xoplex wrote on 2021/04/13 20:47:39:
Love the aesthetic of this site
joe wrote on 2021/04/11 18:59:17:
Thanks for your good-ass site br0. I learned about xneko here!
Noah wrote on 2021/04/11 04:18:19:
Pretty cool website!
RJ Mantis wrote on 2021/04/08 02:10:28:
Classic Web Design FTW
Super Hacker wrote on 2021/03/29 00:44:25:
does this work?
Thomas wrote on 2021/03/04 15:32:51:
love the site, hope you keep it updated!cheers
hisacro wrote on 2021/03/04 11:16:36:
Your site is one of the holy grail of *nix, cheer! great day
techramancer wrote on 2021/01/19 20:03:44:
It's nice seeing classic web design. Have a great day!
MrTime wrote on 2021/01/16 21:09:51:
I do like your website itis very neat, I made one ofmy own here:
Ramzy wrote on 2020/12/07 20:18:58:
Hi,Very nice website! Thanks for the great sources of information available on your website! Thank you very much since I now like Fortran more :) :)
Erin wrote on 2020/12/05 08:04:50:
Your site is lit! *waves hello*--
Gundham wrote on 2020/12/04 21:30:30:
I found you through your buttons page. What a resource.
DDR wrote on 2020/12/01 02:32:38:
Greetings from Canada!
GPFROMSTL wrote on 2020/11/25 06:04:18:
Great page! Man I miss the 90s and 2000s... Rock on, brother.
corona wrote on 2020/11/23 16:49:15:
this website shall spread throughout the world!
Anonymous wrote on 2020/11/10 07:06:43:
This little corner of the web has refilled my hope in humanity. I hope this side of the internet (the personal web) never dies.
807-2 wrote on 2020/11/05 20:35:21:
Does X270's HDMI work well on FreeBSD-12.x ?
Ilia wrote on 2020/08/20 02:59:56:
Hello from Russia! Communism will win!
raeky wrote on 2020/08/18 15:47:35:
raeky raeky raeky raeky
Otso wrote on 2020/08/06 20:09:59:
Hello, i like your posts. Do you have an RSS feed so I can keep up?
brrrrap wrote on 2020/08/05 21:20:49:
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap um oops i tooted O_O
Baloo ( wrote on 2020/07/03 15:50:54:
Nice website! Like the design. Thanks for keeping the backups of all of those buttons and the WWW resource page. Will definitely use for my own site! Cheers.
Tobias wrote on 2020/06/25 17:14:43:
Very nice homepage and great to see a fellow Fortran friend :)
bt2b wrote on 2020/05/01 10:03:16:
Hello world.
Melli wrote on 2020/04/18 12:28:00:
hiiii, god. You are a savour with those badges, I really like them and will keep a local backup of them.And since more peeps from fedi are here: is meeee :}
kitteh wrote on 2020/02/09 05:05:02:
hi! i've noticed you're using my button without linking me. can you please remove it or leave a link to my website to show that im the owner of the button? im not upset, i just dont want people stealing my button and claiming it as their own. ;-; i hope this isnt too much trouble!
Uzbek wrote on 2020/01/02 01:51:30:
Found your 88x31 button collection via websearch while searching for buttons. Spent 20 minutes looking through them, they're like beautiful little candies.
Daniel wrote on 2020/01/01 21:47:00:
Great website!
Syrinx wrote on 2019/12/19 05:08:56:
Came here from Mastodon. Awesome stuff!
roboman wrote on 2019/12/18 08:14:20:
Visting this site in 2019.
Iron_Geek wrote on 2019/11/27 02:29:54:
Love your 88x31 button collection.
izy wrote on 2019/11/23 22:51:40:
Oh the memories
Martin wrote on 2019/10/23 21:21:56:
I love this site!
dumustdeinleben wrote on 2019/10/04 15:06:25:
Glad someone's putting this stuff in a museum.
Fangirl wrote on 2019/10/01 20:12:35:
Love this website <3
tepes wrote on 2019/09/04 17:13:25:
Excellent website! posted using Mozilla 0.x
Chase P wrote on 2019/08/24 01:42:01:
Keep up the good work, amigo!
Sigurdur Freyr Jonsson wrote on 2019/08/21 19:58:38:
Pretty neat site! I don't know what we're doing with all this minimalistic design nonsense we've got going on nowadays, in my mind minimalism is just another word for laziness.
abel-abel wrote on 2019/08/21 02:21:18:
Great site!
Vitor wrote on 2019/08/20 19:14:57:
Nice website!
Jörg C. Meyer wrote on 2019/08/20 08:04:10:
These were the times! That site makes me want to boot up my BSD machine...
Nicolás wrote on 2019/08/16 17:18:17:
Nice website!
Refalm wrote on 2019/08/16 12:06:19:
This is a great website. Reminds me of when the web didn't suck.
John wrote on 2019/08/16 10:28:55:
alert('i love 1990 !');
player wrote on 2019/08/15 01:35:12:
nice archives and buttons.i love your site. nice cascading styling sheets.
aolteen wrote on 2019/08/04 03:59:15:
Great buttons page - I added your link to my site!
therealman Warren wrote on 2019/07/21 22:18:02:
Very cool site archives, especially the 88x31 buttons!
rider wrote on 2019/06/23 14:28:41:
cool place
A-XM wrote on 2019/06/09 17:58:18:
Nice F03-SDL2 interface.
Button Archivist wrote on 2019/05/26 02:03:24:
Great website. Love it.
dfu wrote on 2019/05/17 19:24:35:
very nice i guess
Gamerappa wrote on 2019/05/17 15:00:50:
The buttons are useful for my open-source site that uses only Frontpage
clam hanson wrote on 2019/04/28 20:47:42:
frikkin cool site!
anonymous wrote on 2018/10/30 22:21:35:
great site!
dj_ddt wrote on 2018/10/13 17:22:21:
Cool Site and a great Trip back to the good old Times. :-)
Pizza Squeeze wrote on 2018/07/15 00:01:10:
Hello i am Pizza Squeeze the creator of the Discord join now! gif
John Duncan wrote on 2018/07/06 17:39:10:
Love your site!
Codie wrote on 2018/04/22 16:12:11:
Hello World!