Example Image Pages are however available in the various mirrors. You can also download the image archive using the links below.
This document is automatically displayed to non-local users thanks to the Apatche Web Server (v1.2 and above) excellent error redirection capabilities. Webmasters downloading this images library can look at ``Local Users Only htaccess'' file within the archive.
For discussions about this Library you may like to subscribe to the AIcons mailing list <aicons@cit.gu.edu.au> or for just the announcements only <aicons_announce@cit.gu.edu.au>. To subscribe send a ``subscribe list'' line in the body of an email message to <majordomo@cit.gu.edu.au>
Apologies for the Inconvenience -- Anthony Thyssen -- 15 July 1997
All WWW Images
Basic Image Set (Top Level and Balls Images)
File Indexing Icons
Just the Button Images
Mathematical Equation Symbols
PC Users can look at `` De-Archiving GZip'ed Tar Archives on PCs'' for information on how to handle the above archives. Also in `` PC Image Conversions'' is a summery for converting X window and GIF images for PC use.
For Mirror Coordinators I have written a small shell script called "images_mirror" which uses the lynx WWW client to download the above tar file and automatically unpack it. This will allow you to set up a `cron job' to automatically download and un-tar these images on a regular basis for use on your server. The script is VERY simple and you should have no problem modifying it if necessary.