[AIcons Symbol]

Anthony's WWW Images (No Preview)
Version 2.0

Up to Parent
AIcon Library
Mirrors of Anthony's WWW Images
Anthony's WWW Images Archive (GZip'ed Tar)
Basic Image Set (top level and balls) (GZip'ed Tar)
File Indexing Icons (GZip'ed Tar)
Just the Button Images (GZip'ed Tar)
Mathematical Equation Symbols (GZip'ed Tar)
Directory Listing

WARNING -- Limited Access -- WARNING

Due to the overwhelming demand for these Images, our server is no longer able to provide ``Example Image pages'' (the boss forbids it!) to the world at large.

Example Image Pages are however available in the various mirrors. You can also download the image archive using the links below.

This document is automatically displayed to non-local users thanks to the Apatche Web Server (v1.2 and above) excellent error redirection capabilities. Webmasters downloading this images library can look at ``Local Users Only htaccess'' file within the archive.

For discussions about this Library you may like to subscribe to the AIcons mailing list <aicons@cit.gu.edu.au> or for just the announcements only <aicons_announce@cit.gu.edu.au>. To subscribe send a ``subscribe list'' line in the body of an email message to <majordomo@cit.gu.edu.au>

Apologies for the Inconvenience -- Anthony Thyssen -- 15 July 1997

To make downloading these icons easier, I have provided the following GZIp'ed Tar Archives of Anthony's WWW Images...
All WWW Images
Basic Image Set (Top Level and Balls Images)
File Indexing Icons
Just the Button Images
Mathematical Equation Symbols

PC Users can look at `` De-Archiving GZip'ed Tar Archives on PCs'' for information on how to handle the above archives. Also in `` PC Image Conversions'' is a summery for converting X window and GIF images for PC use.

For Mirror Coordinators I have written a small shell script called "images_mirror" which uses the lynx WWW client to download the above tar file and automatically unpack it. This will allow you to set up a `cron job' to automatically download and un-tar these images on a regular basis for use on your server. The script is VERY simple and you should have no problem modifying it if necessary.

Use Any Browser Created: 30 May 1995
Updated: 27 July 2000
Anthony Thyssen, <anthony@cit.gu.edu.au>