appl/www/ThreadLines Wide World Web -- Threaded Lines This direct contains assorted fancy line to use as dividers on WWW document pages. A group of these lines follow a partucualar style of a simple groove or string with some feature attached. The lines: bow, bubble, cut, eyes, music, owl, runner, and tap, were the original set of fancy lines which were created by David Bouman. (See below) Since then numerous other people have created lines of similar style, unfortuantly with the web the way it is it is very difficult to discover the original authors. CONTRIBS David Bouman These were the original set of string lines. You can get the originals from cut, eyes, music, owl, runner, tap, bomb_1, bomb_2, string Chez Skal Created a number in the same style. melt, bubbles, bow, ghost (completely re-colored) Anthony Thyssen (library coordinator) I created most of these lines either as an experiment, or to use specifically on my castle adventure home page. Lines: bomb_3, castle, castle_hall, castle_hall2, castle_pass, day_night, dynamite (before bomb was found), forest, island, train Ron Kinion bulldog, doom, lightbulb, ruler, startrek Thomas Linder The lemming lines Miscellaneous birds, glue, rocket hippo, whale See Also The rest of the WWW icons area Specifically appl/www/Lines -- Plain or Textured Separators appl/www/FancyLines -- Lines consisting of some object (not grooved) appl/www -- speech and block lines for indented areas Anthony Thyssen