More FORTRAN Games
Computer games and simulations written in various FORTRAN versions and with
available source code:
- Battleships -- classic Battleships game implemented in Fortran 90
- BlockTran -- falling-block tetromino game in Fortran 2008
- BOMBER (1980) -- B-1/R bomber simulation in FORTRAN IV: attack Soviet cities
- Colossal Cave Adventure:
- Canabis -- Tk-based Canasta card-game in FORTRAN 77 for OS/2 Warp and Windows
- Castlequest:
- Chimaera (1984) -- “infinite” adventure game written by Chris Newall in Prime FORTRAN IV
- COMBAT IV -- multi-user space battle game for CDC Cyber (FORTRAN IV)
- Conquest (1985) -- real-time multi-player warfare game
in RATFOR, a FORTRAN pre-processor, for VAX/VMS (updated version)
- Cybernetic Landscapes -- early 70’s 3-D virtual environment in FORTRAN IV
- DECWAR (1979) -- real-time multi-player space battle game in FORTRAN IV for DEC PDP-10
- DELMAR (1976) -- horse race simulation in FORTRAN IV
- Dungeon (1978) -- more or less the public domain version of MIT Zork, originally ported by Bob Supnik to FORTRAN IV
- Empire (1978) -- PDP-10 version in FORTRAN IV
- FORTRAN-Nim -- Nim game in Fortran 95
- Fortran Tank:
- Fudge -- text-based puzzle game about a radioactive dog seeking vengeance
- Game of Life:
- fGameOfLife -- Game of Life in Fortran 95
- fortlife -- Conway’s Game of Life for DOS
- GoLF -- Game of Life in Fortran 2003
- LIFE_SERIAL -- another Game of Life, by John Burkardt
- life -- Conway’s Game of Life in modern Fortran
- Hamurabi:
- Hamurabi -- dialog(1)-based version in Fortran 2008
- Sumeria (1979) -- Hamurabi converted to Prime FORTRAN
- hangtran -- simple Hangman game in Fortran 90
- hoops1977 (2003) -- basketball game in Fortran 90, by Bob Harris
- Hunt the Wumpus:
- Hunt the Wumpus -- four implementations in FORTRAN 77, LISP, Prolog, Literate-Java
- Hunt the Wumpus -- dialog(1)-based implementation in modern Fortran
- Kala (1983) -- game in the mancala family by M. L. Arnautov in Prime FORTRAN IV
- Lap (1975) -- motor racing game by an unknown author for Prime
- Lights Out (2011) -- modern Fortran version
- Lunar Lander:
- LUNAR (2020) -- Lunar Lander in Fortran 95
- Lunar Lander (1979) -- PR1ME version in FORTRAN IV, by M. L. Arnautov
- Lunar Lander 1969 -- Jim Storer version ported to Fortran 2008
- Master Mind:
- MasterMind -- the classic game in Fortran 2008
- MOO (1975) -- Master Mind game by M. L. Arnautov, ported from ALGOL 68 to PR1ME FORTRAN
- Mystery Mansion (1981) -- text adventure in FORTRAN IV for HP 1000/HP 3000
- NIST Blackjack (1982) -- original version in FORTRAN 77 and port to Fortran 2003
- rubik -- Rubik’s cube CLI game written in modern Fortran
- Ski -- text-based ski game by Chris Pirih for VAX/VMS, predecessor of SkiFree
- Snake:
- Dangerous Snake -- ncurses-based snake game in Fortran 2003
- Snake -- remake for X11, in Fortran 2003
- SNAKES_AND_LADDERS (2014) -- board game in FORTRAN 77, by John Burkardt
- Star Trek:
- Star Trek (1974) -- Mike Mayfield’s BASIC game ported to DEC FORTRAN IV, by Kay Fisher
- Star Trek (197?) -- another port of the BASIC version to CDC FORTRAN IV
- Star Trek (1979) -- PDP-10 version
- TREK7 (1979) -- Star Trek game by Donald M. Ecclestone in FORTRAN IV, originally for PDP-10
(DOS port)
- UT Super Star Trek (1983) -- University of Texas version (Prime), by David Matuszek, Paul Reynolds, Don Smith, and George T. Shotwell
- Tetran -- Tetris-style game in Fortran 2008
- Tic-Tac-Toe:
- 3D TICTACTOE (1962) -- FORTRAN II game for the IBM 1602 mainframe, by Bob Louden
- OX3D (1986) -- 3D noughts & crosses player by M. L. Arnautov for Prime
Chess engines in FORTRAN:
Fortran in the Chess
Programming Wiki.