The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) is a common library including high-quality routines for performing basic operations on vectors and matrices. The first FORTRAN version was released in 1979. As the routines are efficient and portable, they are often used in linear algebra software, like LAPACK. Most implementations are written in C, C++, or FORTRAN 77.
- High-performance implementation of the BLAS API, for C and FORTRAN 77 (BSD licence).
- The official reference implementation by Netlib (C and FORTRAN 77), also known as refblas (public domain).
- The Intel Math Kernel Library includes BLAS for Intel processors. Professional and community editions for C, C++, and Fortran are distributed (proprietary).
- OpenBLAS
- An optimised BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 (BSD licence).
Please see Wikipedia for a more comprehensive overview of BLAS libraries.
The functionality of BLAS is divided into three sets of routines, called levels. Below, A, B, C, and T are matrices, x and y are vectors, and α and β are scalars.
- Level 1: Scalar-Vector and Vector-Vector Operations
The level provides low-level operations, like dot product of vectors and vector additions, such as
y ← αx + y.
- Level 2: Matrix-Vector Operations
The level contains basic matrix-vector operations, such as
y ← αAx + βy.
It also includes a solver for x in the triangular equation
Tx = y,
with triangular matrix T.
- Level 3: Matrix-Matrix Operations
The level includes matrix-matrix operations, such as
C ← αAB + βC,
and routines for solving
B ← αT−1B,
with triangular matrix T.
On FreeBSD, the LAPACK implementation of BLAS is available as a port:
# pkg install math/blas
However, BLAS may be built also from source as well. Download version 3.11.0
from Netlib, unpack the archive, and
compile the Fortran code manually. In order to create a shared library
, run:
$ gfortran13 -O2 -shared -fPIC -o *.f
Or, if a static library is preferred, compile and archive
$ gfortran13 -O2 -c *.f
$ ar cr libblas.a *.o
The following example program scales a vector by a constant using the BLAS
routine sscal()
. FORTRAN 77 procedures have to be be imported
individually using the external
statement if
implicit none (type, external)
is set. Otherwise, all linked
procedures are visible by default.
! example.f90
program main
implicit none (type, external)
external :: sscal
integer, parameter :: N = 3
real :: x(N)
real :: a
x = [ 5., 6., 7. ]
a = 5.
print '("a = ", f0.1)' a
print '("X = [ ", 3(f0.1, " "), "]")', x
call sscal(N, a, x, 1)
print '(/, "X = a * X")'
print '("X = [ ", 3(f0.1, " "), "]")', x
end program main
Compile and link the example with:
$ gfortran13 -L/usr/local/lib -o example example.f90 -lblas
If you prefer to link against the static library libblas.a
replace -lblas
with the actual path. The program outputs:
$ ./example
a = 5.0
X = [ 5.0 6.0 7.0 ]
X = a * X
X = [ 25.0 30.0 35.0 ]
The compilation can be simplified by writing an appropriate Makefile:
FC = gfortran13
FFLAGS = -std=f2018
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
LDLIBS = -lblas
TARGET = example
.PHONY: all clean
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) example.f90 $(LDLIBS)
rm $(TARGET)
We then just have to run make
to build the executable.
Fortran Libraries
- BLAS interfaces: Fortran 2008 interface declarations for basic linear algebra subprograms
- FlexiBLAS: A BLAS and LAPACK wrapper library with runtime exchangeable backends
- ForBLAS: Package to compile BLAS and its drivers using the Fortran Package Manager
- linalg: Linear algebra library that provides a user-friendly interface to several BLAS and LAPACK routines
- M_blas: BLAS routines in a Fortran module format
- MFI: Modern Fortran interfaces to BLAS and LAPACK
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