Fortran Standard Library
The Fortran Standard, as published by the
ISO, does not have a standard library,
like other programming languages. The
Fortran Standard Library
) is a community-driven de facto standard library
currently in development that contains additional algorithms, data structures,
as well as math and utility routines for Fortran 2008 and newer (table 1).
Module Description stdlib_ansi
Terminal color and style escape sequences stdlib_array
Index manipulation and array handling tasks stdlib_ascii
Handling of intrinsic character variables and constants stdlib_bitsets
Zero-based bitsets of size up to huge(0_int32)
Catching and handling errors stdlib_hash_32bit
Hash functions and scalar hashes (32-bit) stdlib_hash_64bit
Hash functions and scalar hashes (64-bit) stdlib_hashmap_wrapper
Hash map wrapper procedures stdlib_hashmaps
Hash maps stdlib_io
File handling stdlib_io_npy
NPY file handling stdlib_kinds
Additional kind declarations stdlib_linalg
Various linear algebra procedures stdlib_logger
Logging types and procedures stdlib_math
Various math procedures stdlib_optval
Fallback values for optional procedure arguments stdlib_quadrature
Gaussian approximations stdlib_random
Random numbers stdlib_selection
Array element selections stdlib_sorting
Sorting algorithms stdlib_specialfunctions
Legendre functions stdlib_specialfunctions_gamma
Gamma functions stdlib_stats
Various statistical methods stdlib_stats_distribution_exponential
Exponential distribution functions stdlib_stats_distribution_normal
Normal distribution functions stdlib_stats_distribution_uniform
Uniform distribution functions stdlib_string_type
String type that holds an arbitrary sequence of characters stdlib_stringlist_type
String list implementation stdlib_strings
Basic string handling routines stdlib_version
Version information on stdlib - Tab. 1: Modules of the Fortran Standard Library
The library requires a Fortran 2008 compliant compiler and a build automation tool like fpm, make, or CMake:
$ git clone
$ git checkout stdlib-fpm
$ fpm build --profile release
The static library libstdlib.a
and the necessary module files
are written to build/<compiler>/stdlib/
. To include
as a dependency to a fpm project, simply add the
following entry to your fpm.toml
stdlib = { git="", branch="stdlib-fpm" }
The Fortran Standard Library provides a basic logger class to output messages to console and file:
! log.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, stderr => error_unit
use :: stdlib_logger, logger => global_logger
implicit none
integer :: fu, stat
call logger%configure(level=ALL_LEVEL)
call logger%add_log_unit(stderr, stat=stat)
call logger%add_log_file('log.txt', fu, stat=stat)
call logger%log_error(message = 'Example error log message', &
module = 'N/A', &
procedure = 'MAIN', &
stat = 0, &
errmsg = 'error message')
call logger%log_message('Message printed irrespective of the level')
call logger%log_debug('Debug message')
call logger%log_information('Information message')
call logger%log_warning('Warning message')
call logger%log_io_error('I/O error message')
call logger%configure(level=NONE_LEVEL)
call logger%log_error('Error message (not printed)')
end program main
Link the example program against libstdlib.a
and set the include
search path -I
the the directory containing the module files:
$ gfortran13 -I./build/gfortran/stdlib/ -o log log.f90 ./build/gfortran/stdlib/libstdlib.a
The log messages are printed to standard error and to file
$ ./log
2021-10-04 23:04:46.090: N/A % MAIN: ERROR: Example error log message
With stat = 0
With errmsg = "error message"
2021-10-04 23:04:46.091: Message printed irrespective of the level
2021-10-04 23:04:46.091: DEBUG: Debug message
2021-10-04 23:04:46.091: INFO: Information message
2021-10-04 23:04:46.091: WARN: Warning message
2021-10-04 23:04:46.091: I/O ERROR: I/O error message
Similar Fortran Libraries
- flib: Fortran library of useful modules and procedures
- ForUtils: Package of Fortran 2003/2008 utility classes and convenience functions (arrays, file I/O, INI files, ranges, strings, …)
- Fortran-Library: mathematical and chemical routines, e. g., transformations, clustering, statistics, nonlinear optimisation
- Fortran General Library (FGL): Includes logging, exception handling, hash and list data structures, sorting, strings, JSON serialisation
- Fortran Utilities: Various Fortran utilities that can be included into any Fortran program (types, constants, sorting, meshes, cubic splines, PPM images, HDF5)
- fortranlib: Collection of algebra, array, I/O, probability density function, and vector routines
- Futility: Open-source utility package by University of Michigan and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (language extensions, file I/O, math, geometry, sorting, …)
- General-Purpose Fortran Repository: Libraries and modules for command-line parsing, string operations, numeric expression parsing, pixel graphics, message handling, POSIX, regular expressions, SQLite
- Fortran Standard Library: Official GitHub repository
- Fortran Standard Library documentation
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