Key Capture

The Fortran language standard does not offer intrinsic procedures to re-configure the terminal in order to read single key-strokes (blocking or non-blocking). For POSIX-style tty control, some sort of interface bindings are required:

For non-blocking keyboard input, one may interface the C procedures listed on Rosetta Code, or change the examples accordingly.


On Unix, the command-line tool stty(1) is used to configure the terminal device interface. The cbreak mode lets us read single characters from terminal. We could either write interfaces to ioctl(2) to modify the device parameters, or, just execute stty through the Fortran intrinsic routine execute_command_line().

For both cases, the C function getchar(3) from libc returns the next character from the input stream. We simply define an ISO C binding interface to the C function in order to read a single character in Fortran.

! key.f90
program main
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    implicit none

        ! int getchar(void)
        function c_getchar() bind(c, name='getchar')
            import :: c_int
            implicit none
            integer(kind=c_int) :: c_getchar
        end function c_getchar
    end interface

    integer :: ich

    ! Enable cbreak mode.
    call execute_command_line('stty -echo cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1')

    print '("Press <q> to quit.")'

        ich = c_getchar()
        print '("Key pressed: ", i0)', ich
        if (ich == iachar('q')) exit
    end do

    ! Disable cbreak mode.
    call execute_command_line('stty echo -cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1')
end program main

Compile and run the example program with:

$ gfortran13 -o key key.f90
$ ./key
Press <q> to quit.
Key pressed: 70


The termios(4) API lets us control terminal I/O on Unix. We have to define a C routine set_mode() to disable echo and line editing mode, and another C routine next_char() to read a single input character:

/* term.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void next_char(int *);
void set_mode(int *);

void next_char(int *ich)
    *ich = getchar();

void set_mode(int *mode)
    static struct termios termattr, saveattr;

    if (*mode == 0)
        tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSADRAIN, &saveattr);
        tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &termattr);

        saveattr = termattr;

        termattr.c_lflag    &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
        termattr.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;
        termattr.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;

        tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &termattr);

#ifdef __cplusplus

In order to access these routines from Fortran, ISO C binding interfaces have to be implemented. The following example prints the code of each pressed key.

! key.f90
program main
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    implicit none

        subroutine c_next_char(ich) bind(c, name='next_char')
            import :: c_int
            implicit none
            integer(kind=c_int), intent(out) :: ich
        end subroutine c_next_char

        subroutine c_set_mode(mode) bind(c, name='set_mode')
            import :: c_int
            implicit none
            integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: mode
        end subroutine c_set_mode
    end interface

    integer :: ich

    ! Enable single key capture.
    call c_set_mode(1)

    print '("Press <q> to quit.")'

        ! Read single character.
        call c_next_char(ich)
        print '("Key pressed: ", i0)', ich
        if (ich == iachar('q')) exit
    end do

    ! Revert to default.
    call c_set_mode(0)
end program main

Compile the example with GCC:

$ gcc13 -c term.c
$ gfortran13 -o key key.f90 term.o

Or, instead, using Clang/Flang:

$ clang -c term.c
$ flang -o key key.f90 term.o

The code of each pressed key will be printed to screen until the user hits q:

$ ./key
Press <q> to quit.
Key pressed: 70


The fortran-unix library provides interface bindings to common POSIX routines, among them tcgetattr(3) and tcsetattr(3) which allows us to read and write terminal settings without an abstraction layer in C.

First, clone the fortran-unix repository and build the static library libfortran-unix.a:

$ git clone
$ cd fortran-unix/
$ make freebsd

On Linux, run instead:

$ make linux

Optionally, install the library system-wide, for example, to /opt:

$ make install PREFIX=/opt
--- Installing libfortran-unix.a to /opt/lib/ ...
--- Installing module files to /opt/include/libfortran-unix/ ...

The following program is nearly identical to the example listed in section termios, with the C part implemented in pure Fortran. The terminal attributes are set through the interface bindings provided by the unix module.

The member c_lflag of derived type term_attr is of unsigned 4-byte integer type tcflag_t. Since unsigned integers are not supported by Fortran, the value is first converted to an 8-byte signed integer, modified, and then written back as unsigned 4-byte integer.

! key.f90
program main
    use :: unix
    implicit none
    integer :: ich

    ! Enable single key capture.
    call set_mode(1)

    print '("Press <q> to quit.")'

        ! Read single character.
        ich = next_char()
        print '("Key pressed: ", i0)', ich
        if (ich == iachar('q')) exit
    end do

    ! Revert to default.
    call set_mode(0)
    integer function next_char() result(ich)
        ich = c_getchar()
    end function next_char

    subroutine set_mode(mode)
        integer, intent(in) :: mode

        integer                 :: stat
        integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: c_lflag
        type(c_termios)         :: term_attr
        type(c_termios), save   :: save_attr

        if (mode == 0) then
            stat = c_tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSADRAIN, save_attr)
            stat = c_tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, term_attr)

            save_attr = term_attr

            c_lflag = c_uint_to_int(term_attr%c_lflag)

            ! Equivalent to: c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
            c_lflag = iand(c_lflag, not(int(ior(ICANON, ECHO), kind=c_int64_t)))

            term_attr%c_lflag     = c_int_to_uint(c_lflag)
            term_attr%c_cc(VMIN)  = 1_c_cc_t
            term_attr%c_cc(VTIME) = 0_c_cc_t

            stat = c_tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW , term_attr)
        end if
    end subroutine set_mode
end program main

If the fortran-unix library is installed to /opt, compile and link the program with:

$ gfortran -I/opt/include/libfortran-unix -o key key.f90 /opt/lib/libfortran-unix.a

The code of each pressed key will be printed to screen until the user hits q:

$ ./key
Press <q> to quit.
Key pressed: 70
