The Fortran standard does not include any routine for pausing a program for a given time. Most compilers, like GNU Fortran, provide a routine through extensions. As an alternative, a compiler-independent interface to the POSIX routine sleep(3) can be written, making the call compatible to all POSIX-compliant operating systems.
The sleep()
routine of GNU Fortran pauses the process for the
given time in seconds. Other compilers may provide similar extensions:
! sleep.f90
program main
implicit none
integer :: i
do i = 1, 10
print '("zzz ...")'
call sleep(1) ! 1 sec.
end do
end program main
In order to sleep for less than a second, one might consider an ISO C binding interface to the POSIX function usleep(3), which pauses the process for a given interval in microseconds. The library fortran-unix includes the necessary Fortran interface binding, but we can instead just add a module that contains the interface declaration:
! usleep.f90
module posix
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
public :: c_usleep
! int usleep(useconds_t useconds)
function c_usleep(useconds) bind(c, name='usleep')
import :: c_int, c_int32_t
implicit none
integer(kind=c_int32_t), value :: useconds
integer(kind=c_int) :: c_usleep
end function c_usleep
end interface
end module posix
program main
use :: posix
implicit none
integer :: i, rc, t
t = 500 * 1000 ! 500 milliseconds
do i = 1, 10
print '("zzz ...")'
rc = c_usleep(t)
end do
end program main
Be aware that usleep(3) has been declared obsolescent. It is recommended to use nanosleep(2), but a little more complex derived type binding is required then.
Fortran Libraries
- fortran-sleep:
Platform- and compiler-independent
routine for Fortran - fortran-unix: Fortran 2008 interface bindings to POSIX functions
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